Friday, January 31, 2014

Brewed And Canned/Execute the Innocent/Blacksmith Records/2014 CD Review

  Brewed  And  Canned  are  a  band  from Vienna,Austria  that  plays  a  very  heavy,  brutal  and  technical  form  of  gore/death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2014  album  "Execute  the  Innocent"  which  was  released  by  Blacksmith  Records.

  The  album  starts  out  with  a  very  heavy,  brutal  and t echnical  sound  along  with  all  of  the  musical  instruments  having  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them  which  leads  up  to  a  faster  direction  along  with  death  metal  vocals  and  blast  beats  and  after  awhile  solos  are  added  into  the  music.

  As  the  album  continues  the  band  mix  fast  and  more  mid  paced  brutal  parts  together  along  with  a  great  amount  of  heaviness  and  violence  being  added  into  the  music  and  at  time s you  can  hear  elements  of  grindcore  being  added  into  the  recording  and  as  time  goes  on  by  a  small  amount  of  melody  is  added  into  the  musical  instruments  and  on  some  songs  there  is  a  brief  use  of  spoken  word  parts  being  utilized.

  With  this  album  Brewed  And  Canned  truly  create  a  very  heavy  and  brutal  sounding  recording  which  combines  the  old  school  and  modern  day  brutal  death  metal  sound  as  well  as  adding  in  a  great  amount  of  technical  and  melodic  elements  which  help  make  this  band  stand  out  in  this  musical  genre.

  Song  lyrics  cover  violence  and  gore  themes,  while  the  production  has  a  very  strong,  powerful,  heavy,  brutal  and  professional  sound  where  you  can  hear  all  of  the  musical  instruments  that  are  present  on  this  recording.

  In  my  opinion  Brewed  And  Canned  are  a  very  great  sounding  heavy,  brutal  and  technical  death/gore  metal  band  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should  check  out  this  recording.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Multiple  Bone  Infection"  "Perverse  Reflections"  "Breathing  the  End"  and  "A  Violent  Maelstrom".  8  out  of  10.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Frail Grounds/The Fields Of Trauma/Hostile Media/2014 CD Review

  Frail  Grounds  are  a  band  from  Norway  that  plays  a  mixture  of  power.  progressive  and  melodic  death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2014  album  "The  Fields Of  trauma"  which  was  released  by  Hostile  Media.

  The  album  starts  out  with  a  prologue  which  uses  dark  sounds  and  violins and  when  the  album  goes  into  the  first  song  the  music  goes for  a  more  melodic  modern  death  metal  direction  along  with  a  mixture  of  growls  and  clean  singing  and  you  can  also  hear  synths  in  the  background  and  after  awhile  acoustic  guitars  are  added  into the  music  briefly  along  with  the  violins  from the  intro  before  returning  to  a  heavier  direction.

  As  the  album  continues  it  remains  to  a  very  heavy,  melodic  and  modern  song  while  also  mixing  in  prog,  symphonic,  and  atmospheric  elements  along  wit h  a mixture  of  acoustic  and  electric  guitar  parts  as  well  as  some  melodic  and  progressive  sounding  guitar  solos  and  leads  and  all  of  the  musical  instruments  sound  very  powerful  and  at  time s blast  beats  are  brought  onto  the  record.

  While  this  album  is  mostly  rooted  in  progressive  metal  Frail  Grounds  do  bring  in  power  metal  influences  and  the  heaviness  and  melody  of  modern  day  melodic  death  metal  to  create  an  album  that  is  very  interesting  and  original  sounding.

  Song  lyrics  are  a  concept  album  based  on  an  expedition  deep  in  Siberia,  while  the  production h as  a  very  strong,  powerful,  heavy  and  professional  sound  where  you  can  hear  all  of  the  musical  instruments  that  are  present  on t his  recording  as  well  as  some  of  the  songs  being  very  long  and  epic  in  length.  

  In  my  opinion  Frail  Grounds  are  a  very  great  sounding  mixture  of  melodic  death,  power  and  progressive  metal  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  band.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "The  Expedition"  "The  Sinister  Road"  "Origin"  and  "Emberstorm".  8  OUT  OF  10. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Gaped/The Murderous Inception/Lacerated Enemy Records/2013 EP Review

  Gaped  are  a  band  from  Australia  that  plays  a  very  heavy,  brutal  and  old  school  form  of  gore/death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2013  ep  "The  Murderous  Inception"  which  was  released  by  Lacerated  Enemy  Records.

  The  ep  starts  out  with  horror  movie  samples  and  a  few  seconds  later  the  music  goes  into  a  more  heavy  and  brutal  death  metal  direction  along  with  deep  growls  and  a  minute  later  solos  are  added  into  the  music  as  well  as  adding  in  fast  parts  and  blast  beats  which  also  leads  to  the  music  alternating  between  being  mid  paced  and  fast.

  As  the  ep  moves  on  groove  elements  and  melody  are  added  into  the  guitar  riffing  and  solos  along  with  Swedish  death  metal  influences  and  high  pitched  screams  which  also  leads  to  the  music  getting  more  technical  in  certain  sections  of  the  recording  and  the  last  song  is  a  Cannibal  Corpse  cover.

  On  this  ep  Gaped  combine  the  heaviness  and  brutality  early  90's  New  York  death  metal  with  the  melody  of  old  school  Swedish  death  metal  to  create  a  very  heavy  recording  that  demonstrates  how  death  metal  should  really  be  done.  

  Song  lyrics  cover  darkness  and  gore  themes,  while  the  production  has  a  very  strong,  powerful,  heavy,  professional  and  old  school  sound  where  you  can  hear  all  of  the  musical  instruments  that  are  present  on  this  recording.

  In  my  opinion  Gaped  are  a  very  great  sounding  heavy,  brutal,  old  school  gore/death  metal  band  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should  check  out  out  this  ep.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Let  The  Cutting  Begin"  and  "Stripped,  Raped,  Strangled  And  Tortured"  which  is  a  Cannibal  Corpse  cover.  8  out  of  10.  

Monday, January 27, 2014

An Act Of Treachery/Reflections Of A Dying World/2013 CD Review

  An  Act  Of  Treachery  are  a  band  from  Austria  that  plays  a  mixture  of  melodic  death  metal,  thrash,  groove  and  metalcore  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  self  released  2013  album  "Reflections  Of  A  Dying  World".

  The  album  starts  out  with  a  heavy  modern  metal  sound  along  with  aggressive  vocals  which  are  in  a  more  hardcore  direction  while  also  adding  in  melody  and  you  can  hear  a  great  amount  of  thrash  influences  in  the  music  while also  having  the  heaviness  of  death  metal.

  When  the  album  goes  into  the  second  song  clean  guitars  are  added  into  the  music  while  sticking  to  mostly  a  heavier  direction  as  well  as  adding  in  a  more  melodic  death  metal  sound  as  well  as  bringing  in  solos  and  lead  and  as  the  album  progresses  elements  of  groove  and  metalcore  are  added  onto  the  album.

  On  this  album  An  Act  of  Treachery  combine  a  lot  of  many  different  extreme  metal  genres  to  create  an  album  that  is  very  heavy,  yet  catchy  and  melodic  all  at  the  same  time  and  even  the  groove  and  metalcore  elements  do  not  water  down  the  record.

  Song  lyrics  cover  violent  and  everyday  themes,  while  the  production  has  a  very  strong,  powerful,  heavy  and  professional  sound  for  being  a  self  released  recording  where  you  can  hear  all  of  the  musical  instruments  that  are  present  on  this  recording.

  In  my  opinion  An  Act  Of  Treachery  are  a  very  decent  sounding  mixture  of  melodic  death  meta,  thrash,  groove  and  metalcore  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  band.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "In  Chains"  "Let  Them  Burn"  "Beginning  Of  An  End"  and  "Worlds  Fall  Apart".  7/5  out  of  10.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fear Of Domination Interview

1.Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the band since the recording of the new album?

-  Well, we have done a music video on the single "Legion", but most of our time has gone to practicing new songs for the upcoming tour. Also we have given a lot of time to update our visual appearance on gigs.

2.You have a new album coming out early this year, can you tell us a little bit more about the musical direction it has taken and also how does it differ from your previous recordings?

- It is more organic and complete than any other album we have made. Hard to compare but I'm sure you will understand when you listen to it.

3.I have seen the band being labeled as industrial shock metal, can you tell us a little bit more about it?

- "Shock metal" term has been used by the media and the fans. We think that it has born from all the wild and weird things we've done live, for example pyroeffects, fire-circus and various weird stuff and strong appearance. 

4.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the new release explores?

-  Mostly stories and feelings. I don't like to strictly pointing topics however I like to leave the final conclusion of the song to the listener. Mostly the darker sides of human mind but still things that we might come across with in our every day life.

5.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Fear Of Domination'?

- Luuri came up with the name. Our topics contain lots of references about domination and being dominated, phobias and the mysteries of the mind. The name crystallizes all this completely. 

6.For what I have seen in pictures the band has a different look than other bands when they are playing live, can you tell us a little bit more about it?

- We want to bring the message and feeling behind the lyrics and music also to the visual side. We don't have any "gigs", we have shows. 

7.Out of all the shows and tours that the band has played so far, which one did you enjoy the most?

- All the shows have their ups and downs, so we really can't decide any specific show or tour. Still we regret none of them and we've done all of them without having any second thoughts. 

8.What are the touring and show plans for the new release?

- Lots of shows in Finland including both bigger and smaller clubs, and maybe even some festivals. Also we are looking towards Europe and Japan with hungry eyes. 

9.On a worldwide level how has the feedback been to your music by fans of industrial and metal?

- We're finding more and more fanbase all over the world all the time. The feedback is always motivating us to keep on going harder and more further. 

10.What direction do you see your music heading into on future releases?

- It will get better and better and more and more innovative. 

11.What are some bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?

- Rammstein, Ministry, Pain, Bob Marley, Tool, J.S. Bach, and manymanymany others... 

12.Do you have any non musical interests?

- Gaming, Movies, Boobs... oh! and alcohol... 

13.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?

Buy the goddamn album, because we have given everything to it and it is just awesome.

Saku Solin
Fear of Domination

The Obscene/Architects of Deliverance/UKEM Records/2013 CD Review

  The  Obscene  are  a  band  from  the  United  Kingdom  that  has  been  featured  before  in  this  zine  with  a  musical  style  I  would  describe  as  being  an  old  school  form  of  death  metal  with  elements  of  grindcore  and  black  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2013  album  "Architects  Of  Deliverance"  which  was  released  by  UKEM  Records.

  The  album  starts  out  with  a  very  heavy  and  brutal  old  school  death  metal  sound  along  with  growls,  screams  and  blast  beats  as  well  as  a  mixture  of  slow  and  fast  parts  as  well   as  the  vocals  using  some  grim  black  metal  elements  as  well  as  a  small  amount  of  hardcore  style  shouts.

  As  the  album  progresses  it  sticks  to   school  death  metal  sound  while  also  using  other  influences  while  also  adding  in  melody,  solos  and  slam  elements  and  at  times  the  bass  guitars  sound  very  powerful  and  the  music  keeps  adding  in  more  brutality  as  time  goes  on  by  and  on  one  of  the  songs  a  brief  use  of  spoken  word  parts  are  added  in  and  on  the  last  song  acoustic  guitars  are  utilized.

  On  this  album  The  Obscene  pick  up  where  they  left  off  with  their  previous  recording  and  this  album  remains  true  to  their  old  school  death  metal  sound  while  still  having  elements  of  grindcore  and  black  metal.

  Song  lyrics  cover  dark,  violent  and  anti  religion  themes,  while  the  production  has  a  very  strong,  powerful,  heavy,  old  school  and  professional  sound  where  you  can  hear  all  of  the  musical  instruments  that  are  present  on  this  recording.

  In  my  opinion  this  is  another  great  sounding  album  from  The  Obscene  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  old  school  death/grind,  you  should  enjoy  this  recording.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Spawned  From  Ignorance"  "Dreaming  the  Obscure"  "The  Heretic's  Fork"  and  "The  Man,  The  Martyr".  8/5  out  of  10. 

The Deathisodes/Inside The Universe Of Horror/UKEM Records/2013 CD Review

  The  Deathisodes  are  a  band  from  the  United  Kingdom that  plays  a  very  melodic  form  of  death  metal  mixed  with  other  genres  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2013  album  "Inside  the  Universe of  Horror"  which  was  released  by  UKEM  Records.

  The  album  starts  out  with  electronic  music  sounds  along  with  drums  and  melodic  solos  which  also  leads  to  death  metal  growls  and  screams  and  the  music  goes  for  a  heavier  direction  along  with  blast  beats.

   As  the  album  progresses  you  can  hear  more  modern  and  progressive  metal  elements  being added  onto  the  recording  and  the  vocals  also  start  utilizing  more  thrash  and  hardcore  elements  while  keeping  around the  death  metal  parts  and  after  awhile  blast  beats  and  clean  singing  make  their  way  onto  the  record  as  well  as  a  small  amount  of  spoken  word  parts.

  When  the  album  goes  into  other  songs  you  can  hear  a  good  amount  of  power  metal  influence  in  some  of  the  vocals  and  musical  instruments  and  there  are  also  symphonic  elements  being  utilized  at  times  and  on  the  last  song  acoustic  guitars  are  brought  into  the  music.

  On  this  album  The  Deathisodes  show  a  great  amount  of  diversity,  while  the  main  core  is  melodic  death  metal  you  can  also  hear  elements  of  hardcore,  thrash,  groove,  djent,  power  and  progressive  metal  as  well  as  a  great  amount  of  symphonic  and  electronic  music  influences  and  every  song  has  a  special  quest  and  with  all  of  these  elements  and  session  musicians  the  music  ends  up  having  a  very  original  and  diverse  sound.

  Song  lyrics  cover  dark  and  philosophical  themes,  while  the  production  has  a  very  strong,  powerful,  heavy  and  professional  sound  along  with  the  bass  guitars  being  mixed  down  low  in  the  mix.

  In  my  opinion  The  Deathisodes  are  a  very  great  sounding  modern  and  diverse  melodic  death  metal  band  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should  check  out  this  album.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Dead  Arsing"  "Silenced  To  Decay"  "Project  Omega"  adnd  "When  Death  Walks  Behind".  8/5  out  of  10.  

Friday, January 24, 2014

Lay Down Rotten interview

Answers by Jost

1. Can you give us an update on what is going on with the band these days?
- After releasing three albums through Metal Blade Records we signed contracts with Apostasy Records ( and we are about to release our 7th album "Deathspell Catharsis". Last week we played a very well received gig at the Masters Of Kassel Festival which was headlined by the mighty Sodom and right now we are very busy preaparing for our release shows in January.

 2.How would you describe the musical sound of the new album and also how does it differ from previous releases?
- Over the years we developed our own style. Every album represents an opportunity for us to improve our skills, our technique and also our sound and the concept of every album. Our sound and also our style is based on a well balanced mixture of mid tempo groove, blastbeats and Swedish Death Metal influences. 

 3.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects the new release explores?
- Every song on "Deathspell Catharsis" has its own story and its own topic. This is definitely not a concept album. For example, the album opener "Cassandra's Haunting" was inspired by the story of the tragic fate of the character from the Greek mythology, then there are Old School Death Metal lyrics such as "Blasphemous Rituals For The Perverted Flesh" and very metaphoric lyrics like the title track. I write the lyrics together with my brother Elmo and we always give it our best to write special Death Metal lyrics as we both worship the Metal of Death and want the songs to have strong words and for the fans to have something to digest lyric wise.

 4.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name Lay Down Rotten?
- Lay Down Rotten is a strong and powerful name that stand for Death Metal. It is as simple as that. We know who we are and we know what we do that#s why these words in our band name represent our way in this genre.

 5.What are some of the best shows that the band has played over the years and also how would you describe your stage performance?
- I will always remember our shows at the Party San Festival and With Full Force Festival, also our tours with Cannibal Corpse and Disbelief were very exciting and will always be very special memories.

 6.Do you have any touring or show plans for the future?
- In January we will play two special release shows and right now we focus on booking shows for 2014. So contact us if you are interested in booking us and stay informed via laydownrotten.comand find us on facebook.

7.On a worldwide level how has the feedback been to your music by fans of melodic death metal?
- It has been great. The fans are very enthusiastic. I received feedback from fans from Russia, Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal and I was especially moved by mails from fans from South America and we get a lot of great reviews from all around the world. I think it is awesome that the scene is alive and well and that alot of young dudes get to know Death Metal and become fans.

 8.What is going on with the other musical projects these days?
- Only our drummer is involved in a band called Miseo. They released an album in 2013 and they play gigs regularly. The other guys stay focused on Lay Down Rotten.

 9.What direction do you see your music heading into on future releases?
- Jazz and Ambient House... Just kidding. We stay Death Metal. We will go on exploring our soundwriting and our dedication to the music we love to play. Lay Down Rotten is Death Metal. We will never change what we are.

 10.What are some bands or musical styles that have influenced your newer music and also what are you listening to nowadays?
- Edge Of Sanity has always been a great influence on us but in general we love Old School Death, Thrash Metal, Black Metal and so on. I like authentic bands that play hard music. It doesn´t matter which kind of genre they belong to. Every band member has other preferences when it comes to hard music. 

11.Outside of music what are some of your interests?
- I am a big fan of video games and started back at a very young age with a Super Nintendo and now I am fully equpped with a Xbox One. I love it!

 12.Any final words or thoughts before we wrap up this interview?
- Give us a like on fucking facebook. Geit in touch with us! Listen to our new album "Deathspell Catharsis"! Stay Metal!

Besegra/Infortonium/Friendly Fire Disco/2013 EP Review

  Besegra  are  a  band  from  Ontario,  Canada  that  plays  a  very  melodic  form  of  death/thrash  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2013  ep  "Infortunium"  which  was  released  by  Friendly  Fire  Disco.

  The ep  starts  out  with  melodic  and  technical  guitar  leads  and  bass  along  with  drums  and  death  metal  growls  and  screams  as  well  as  a  great  amount  of  thrash  elements  as  well  as  some  classic  metal  influences  being  added  into  the  leads.which  also  leads  up  to  acoustic  guitars.

  As  the  ep  continues  the  music  goes  more  into  an  old  school  thrash  meets  melodic  death  metal  direction  with  the  guitars  being  thrash  and  the  vocals  death  and  at  times  blast  beats  are  added  into  the  music  while  the  solos  also  remain  melodic  and  old  school  sounding  and  they  also  bring  back  acoustic  guitars  on  the  5th  song  and  on  the  last  song  you  can  also  hear  a  brief  use  of  spoken  word  parts.

  On  this  recording  Besegra  take  80's  old  school  thrash  metal  and  combine  it  with  90's  era  technical  and  melodic  death  metal  and  they  display  a  great amount  of  skill  and  talent  with  their  old  school  sound.

  Song  lyrics  cover  violent  themes,  while  the  production  has  a  very  strong,  powerful,  heavy,  professional  and  old  school  sound  where  you  can  hear  all  of  the  musical  instruments  that  are  present  on  this  recording.

  In  my  opinion  Besegra  are  a  very  great  sounding  melodic  death/thrash  metal  band  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should  check  out  this  ep.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Bloodlust"  and  "Division".  8/5  out  of  10.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fear Of Domination/Distorted Delusions/Inverse Records/2014 CD Review

  Fear  Of  Domination  are  a  band  from  Finland  that  plays  a  very  melodic  form  of  industrial  death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2014  album "Distorted  Delusions"  which  was  released  by  Inverse  Records.

  The  album  starts  out  with  industrial  sound s before  going  into  a  melodic  death  metal  direction  and  combining  the  2  genres  which  also  leads  up  to  bass  guitars  and  a  mixture  of  screams  and  growls  as  well  as  some  melodic  vocals

  As  the  album  continues  the  band  start  bringing  in  a  great  amount  of  modern  metal  and  industrial  elements  as  well  as  some  gothic  style  vocals  along  with  back  up  shouts  and  you  can  also  hear  traces  of  black  metal  in  the  vocals  at  times  as  well  a s spoken  word  samples  being  utilized  at  times  and  after  awhile  soft  parts,  clean  playing  as  well  as  melodic  female  and  male  vocals  make  their  way  on  the  album  in  certain  sections  of  the  music.

  As  the  album  progresses  guitar  solos  and  leads  are  finally  added  into  the  music  along  with  a  small  amount  of  robotic  vocals  as  well  as  getting  more  symphonic  in  the  songs  that  come  on  shortly  after  that  as  well  as  a  small  amount   of  blast  beats.

  Fear  Of  Domination  bring  in  a  lot  of  original  elements  with  their  music  while  it  is  mostly  based  in t he  industrial  metal  tradition  it  does  also  bring  in  melodic  death  metal,  black  metal  and  symphonic  influences  to  create  a  very  diverse  and  creative  album.

  Song  lyrics  cover  science  fiction  themes,  while  the  production  has  a  very  strong,  powerful,  heavy  and  professional  sound  where  you  can  hear  all  of  the  musical  instruments  that  are  present  on t his  recording.  

  In  my  opinion  Fear  Of  Domination  are  a  very  great  sounding  mixture  of  industrial,  symphonic  and  melodic  death  metal  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of   those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  band.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Paper  Doll"  "Parasite"  "Legion"  and  "The  great  Dictator".  8  out  of  10.  

Frozen Hell Interview

1.For those that have never heard of you before, can you tell us a little bit about the band?
1 . HI! We are Frozen Hell from Italy and we play Melodic Death Metal with influences in many more styles .
The band is actives by two years , we made a good acclaimed EP and we will make a full-length this year .

2.You put out an ep in 2013, can you tell us a little bit more about your musical sound?

2 . The style we play is peculiar but oriented to melodic death .We have heavy influences from classical to the extreme speed and one without forgetting the melodic components.To better focus on our works the best thing is to get a look on our reverberation !

3.What are some of the lyrical topics and subjects you explore with your music?

3.In songs lyrics talk about our desire for redemption in this world people Whose control is based on ignorance .
We try to explain it with the right dose of malice .

4.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Frozen Hell'?
4.The name " Frozen Hell " was pointed Often as stupid and meaningless :this fact put into light how much people bases ITS judgment ruling on publicly Considered everything is right .In many cultures (religions too) the image of Hell Has never been thought as a hot and place underground, image Which is wrongly proposed by the media and taken as good one .Indeed it would not be more exact to think hell as a cold desert .The name Frozen Hell is focusing on the contrast between truth and false reality 

5.What are some of the best shows that the band has played so far and how would you describe your stage performance?
5.The best performance we made last year was surely the MAV at festivals in Italy , where we share the stage with bands like HATE and Diabolical .It is very (but very very) difficult to describe ourselves When playing live!

6.Do you have any touring or show plans for the future?
6.We actually have some interesting festivals to play this summer , actually we are concentrating on making the upcoming album. After That there will be surprises Concerning live gigs .

7.On the ep you did an Amon Amarth cover, what was the decision behind during your own version of one of their songs?
7 . Amon Amarth is one of our favorite bands, and we Decided to make a cover medley Because we like too much Their Music !

8.Currently you are unsigned, are you looking for a label or have received any interest?
8.Currently we have received blackberries interesting proposal , but we are still looking for them.

9.On a worldwide level how has the feedback been to your music by fans of melodic death metal?

9.The feedback Has Been incredibly good! And sadly I have to say That it Has Been stronger abroad than in our country ...

10.According to the Metal Archives page a couple of band members also participate in other bands, can you tell us a little bit more about them?
10.The singer is playing in a groove metal band called Nightmare slave and our drummer in The bleeding and Mindcrushers .

11.When can we expect a full length and what direction will it be in music wise?
11.The full-length album will be available in the second half of the current year , and there will be a lot of music influences in it!

12.What are some bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?
12.We are Principally influenced by swedish metal at all , bands like Children of bodom , Amon Amarth and Norther , but there are too much bands or genres to name them hehe !

13.Do you have any non musical interests?
13.I think the vagina will be the answer !

14.Before we wrap up this interview do you have any final words or thoughts?
14.Thanks to you for the interview and like our Facebook page to stay tuned on the upcoming album.
If you have never Took a play on our Music You Should Take to play on our reverberation and if you like follow us !

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dead End Finland/Season Of Withering/Inverse Records/2013 CD Review

  Dead  End  Finland  are  a  band  from  Finland  that  plays  a  very  melodic  form  of  death  metal  mixed  with  electronic music  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2013  album  "Season  Of  Withering"  which  was  released  by  Inverse  Records.

  The  album  starts  off  with  electronic  synths  before  adding  in  heavier  parts  along  with  screams  and  growls  and  a  minute  later  clean  singing  becomes  a  part  of  the  mix  along  with  background  shouts  and  they  also  mix  electronic  music  with  melodic  death  metal  throughout  the  record.

  As  the  album  progresses  it  sticks  to  the  same  basic  formula  on  the  first  song  and  the  music  on  this  recording  is  very  modern  sounding  and  at  times  robotic  vocals  are  added  into  the  music  and  there  are  no  guitar  solos  or  leads  present  on  this  recording  and  at  times  the  synths  get  very  symphonic  as  well  as  bringing  in  influences  from  industrial  music  and  on  the  7th  song  fast  parts  and  blast  beats  are  brought  in  and  add  a  brutal  edge  to  the  music  as  well  as  changing  the  pace  and  on  the  following  song  there  is  a  brief  use  of  violins.

  Dead  End  Finland  seem  to  mix  a  modern  metal  with  groove  and  melodic  death  metal  along  with  industrial,  electonica  and  symphonic  music  to  create  their  own  sound  and  while it  wont  be  underground  sounding  enough  for  some  people  to  still  show  that  they  are  good  at  what  they  do.

  Song  lyrics  cover  anti  society  themes,  while  the  production  has  a  very  strong,  powerful,  heavy  and  professional  sound  along  with  the  bass  guitars  being  mixed  down  low  in the  mix.

 In  my  opinion  Dead  End  Finland  are  a  very  decent  sounding  mixture  of  melodic  death  metal  and  electronic  music  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  those  musical  genres,  you  should  check  out  this  band.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Season  of  Withering"  "Zero  Hour"  "Silent  Passage"  and  "Dreamlike  Silence".  7/5  out  of  10.


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Frozen Hell/Rise!/2013 EP Review

  Frozen  Hell  are  a  band  from  Italy  that  plays  a  very  melodic  form  of  death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their   self  released  2013  ep  "Rise!".

  The  ep  starts  out  with  sound  effects  and  nature  sounds  and  a  few  seconds  later  drums  start  to  kick  in  and  after  the  intro  the  music  goes  into  a  more  heavy  and  melodic  death  metal  direction  along  with  some  blast  beats  which  leads  up  to  solos,  screams,  and  growls  along  with  some  heavy  bass  guitars.

  As  the  ep  progresses  the  band  remain  in  a  melodic  death  metal  direction  and  they  stick  to  the  mid  90's  style  of  this  genre  without  utilizing  any  of  the  modern  elements  as  well  as  being  more  heavy  and  brutal  than  other  bands  from  this  genre  and  you  can  also  hear  elements  of  thrash  and  traditional  metal  in  certain  sections  of  the  music  while  also  having  a  feel  dark  feeling  to  them  and  the  last  song  is  an  Amon  Amarth  cover.

  On  this  ep  Frozen  hell  take  melodic  death  metal  back  to  its  heavier  and  darker  roots  and  do  not  add in  the  metalcore,  groove  and  djent  elements  which  have  weakened  this  genre  over  the  years  and  it  is  good  to  hear  some  true  melodic  death  metal  coming  out  these  days.

  Song  lyrics  cover  dark  themes,  while t he  production  has  a  very  strong,  powerful,  heavy  and  old  school  sound  for  being  a  self  released  recording  where  you  can  hear  all  of  the  musical  instruments  that  are  present  on  this  ep.

  In  my  opinion  Frozen  Hell  are  a  very  great  sounding  melodic  death  metal  band  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should  check  out  this  ep.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Useless  memories"  and  "Until  Daybreak".  8  out  of  10.  

Friday, January 17, 2014

Amputated/Dissect, Molest, Ingest/Sevared Records/2014 CD Review

  Amputated  are  a  band  from  the  United  Kingdom  that  plays  a  very  brutal  form  of  gore/death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2014  album  "Dissect,  Molest,  Ingest"  which  was  released  by  Sevared  Records.

  The  album  starts  out  with  am  radio  sounds  which  talk  about  murder  and  dismemberment  before  going  into  a  heavier  direction  along  with  a  mixture  of  growls  and  screams  as  well  as  fast  and  brutal  parts  being  brought  into  the  mix  and  after  awhile  the  drums  start  utilizing  blast  beats.

  As  the  album  moves  on  it  starts  alternating  between  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts  while  also  remaining  brutal  all  at  the  same  time  and  the  music  barely  has  any  melody  and  concentrates  more  on  heaviness  and  brutality  and  the  bass  guitars  also  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them  and  on  a  couple  of  songs  there  is  a  brief  use  of  horror  movie  samples.

  While  there  is  nothing  original  on  this  record  Amputated  make  up  for  it  with  their  brutality  and  heaviness  as  well  as  bringing  a  great  amount  of  gore  and  violence  to  their  approach  to  brutal  death  metal.

  Song  lyrics  cover  gore  and  demented  themes,  while  the  production  has  a  very  strong,  powerful,  heavy  and  brutal  sound  where  you  can  hear  all  of  the  musical  instruments  that  are  present  on  this  recording.

  In  my  opinion  Amputated  are  a  very  decent  sounding  brutal  gore/death  metal b and  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should  check  out  this  recording.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Gorging  On  Putrid  Disgorge"  "Skullfuck  Lobotomy"  "Psychotropic  Suicide"  and  "Toolbox  Abortionist".  7/5  out  of  10.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Embryonic Devourment Interview

1.Can you give us an update on what has been going on with the band since the recording of the new album?
First, thank you for the interview!  We have been focused on two goals since completing the last album:  one, push the album.  This is done in several ways.  We have tour dates being booked, tons of merch has been printed, promo is going out, reviews are coming in.  The second goal is to keep making new music.  We are currently experiencing a burst of creativity and are doing our best to harness it.  Almost 2 brand new songs are written in the past few weeks, and our newest album isn't even released yet.  We've never been ahead like that before, and were still learning as we go.
2.You have a new album coming out this month, can you tell us a little bit more about the musical direction it has taken and also how does it differ from previous recordings?

Honestly the biggest difference from our other albums is the tempos.  This was our first time recording to a click track, and was a new challenge that ultimately helped us sound better.  Making beat maps is still a new thing for us and next time we expect even better results.  Some of the playing felt slower than we were used to but it helps make the groove stronger sometimes.  Click tracks are unforgiving.  The playing is of course still quite fast at times, but generally a tad slower than our first albums, but what that does, is strengthen the overall structure of the songs.  

3.The song lyrics cover conspiracy theories and occult themes, can you tell us a little bit more about your interests in these topics?  

This is the drummer talking so I don't have much input on lyrics... however I have read some of this stuff and find it interesting at times.  Do I personally think reptiles rule the world?  No I don't.  I'm more interested in how fairy tales are used to control civilizations.  But is it possible?  Maybe, and it makes for lyrical content that most bands aren't using already.  In 2006, we were the only DM band (that we knew of) that was doing this.  

4.What is the meaning and inspiration behind the name 'Embryonic Devourment'?

The legend of how the name was formed is murky because there are 2 accounts.  Some dude claims he came up with the name and said we could use it.  Our guitar player Lauren claims he made it up when we were eating eggs one day.  He insists I was there but honestly its all a blur to me.  What I do recall for certain, is that the name was created months before it was used.  Then, when we decided in early 2003 to change the name Ye Old Skabbard, I suggested we use it, since we were moving in a more brutal direction musically.  After some discussion, it was agreed upon.  Months later, Austin created the logo.  

5.What are some of the best shows that the band has played over the years and also how would you describe your stage performance?

 The northwest death fest in Seattle 2004, 05, 06, were all great.  05 had Cannibal Corpse.  06 had Obituary.  In 05 there was this house party in the San Diego area where like 200 people were crammed in this basement, we barely had room to play and the energy was just incredible.  In 06 we played our first show ever with Origin, who was a big early inspiration for us.  In 08 we had our first us tour so all those shows were memorable.  In 09 we played the California metal fest at the Anaheim Grove.  That was probably the biggest crowd we played for.  In 2012 we had 10 dates on the occupation domination tour with Origin, Cattle Decapitation, Decrepit Birth, and Aborted.  All of those were great.  Also we got to play with Dying Fetus and Six Feet Under that year.  In 2013 we got to play with the legendary Possessed.  That was one of our best shows.  Those are the most memorable out of hundreds of shows.

6.What are the touring plans for the new album?

A western us tour is being booked right now, with Abolishment of Flesh and The Opaque.  It will go from April 18 until may 3rd and will run from San Francisco to Wisconsin and back.  We are also planning a quick run up to Washington in February.  Fans can check our Facebook page for updates and shows in their areas.  As the shows get confirmed they will be posted. 

7.On a worldwide level how has the feedback been to your newer music by fans of death metal?
Mostly good.  We always have people telling us that we shouldn't write about lizards,  but we figure there's always some asshole who wants to tell everyone how to do shit, so who cares right? Haha!   No but honestly the feedback is all we could hope for.  There are people out there who understand our music and appreciate it for the same reasons we write it.  That makes us happy.
8.What is going on with the other musical projects these days that the band members are involved with?
Austin and Adam used to play in a crust band called Glob but not for a while now.  Austin still jams with his dad and his brother, sometimes they get the occasional paying gig doing top 40 type stuff.  His dad is a guitar master and can play anything.  I myself just did a few songs for an unnamed project with our new vocalist Hunter.  It was like a spazzy math core thing with occasional buttrock riffs.  It was actually the first time in over 10 years that I did any music outside of ED.
9.What direction do you see your music heading into on future releases?

More songs with structure, without sacrificing the creativity.  We are learning how to integrate music making software into our songwriting process, such as beat mapping.  The better prepared we are, the better it will sound.  We fell like we are better players than ever before and want to make the most of it.  Each time we've gone into the studio, we've learned something.  And we bring that with us to the next album. 

10.What are some bands or musical styles that have had an influence on your music and also what are you listening to nowadays?

Origin, Gorguts, Deeds of Flesh, Spawn of Possession,  Decrepit Birth, those bands inspired us to be brutal and technical.  Currently we are listening to stuff like the new album from Spawn of Possession, the new Gorguts, new Deeds....we try not to sound like other bands too much so sometimes we limit the amount of death metal that we listen to.  I spend more time playing than listening which I think is what musicians should do if they want to find their own way.  It may take longer to master sometimes but it makes for more creativity.

11.What are some of your non musical interests?

We all like golf a little bit...Austin has a wife and daughter, in fact we are all married.  I have interest in horticulture and work at a gardening store.  Adam spends his time buying and selling music gear.  Our new vocalist spends his time playing music with as many people as he can. 
12.Before we wrap up this interview, do you have any final words or thoughts?

Thanks again for the interview! 
 Buy our shit!  Ha ha! 
But seriously, every dime goes right back into the band so we can keep bringing you our music... so please check out our website and our Facebook page, look us up on YouTube, there are 2 songs posted from the new album for your listening pleasure!
