Humangled are a band from Italy that plays a gory form of death metal with grindcore and thrash influences and this is a review of their 2010 album "Fractal" which was released by Abyss Records during the year of 2010.
Drums are mostly slow to midpaced with some fast playing and the ocassional blast beat, while the bass playing is all rhythm bass that follows the riffs that are coming out of the guitars and they sound very powerful at times.
Rhythm guitars are mostly fast death metal riffs that have some thrash influences mixed in with some slow heavy riffing being used at times, while the lead guitars are 90's era death metal sounding guitar solos mixed in with some progressive rock sounding leads.
Vocals are mostly deep death metal growls with some high pitched screams thrown in and on couple of the songs there are some clean vocals being used, while the lyrics cover flesh and tools, and personal cynic evaluations, as for the production it has a very heavy sound that makes the music sound very brutal.
In my opinion Humangled are a very good death metal, and if you are a fan of true death metal you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "From Empty Sockets" "Brutilize The Pedophile" "Liguidfire" and"As Individuality Fades". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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