Sublevels are a band from Argentina that mixes death metal, deathcore, technical and djent metal together and this is a review of their 2012 album "Eo Abyssvs Occvltvs" which was released by Abyssmal Warfare Promotions.
Drums range from slow, mid paced to fast drumming with some blast beats being thrown into the music at times as well as some tribal drumming, while the bass playing has a very strong and powerful tone with heavy and progressive riffing that dominates throughout the recording.
Rhythm guitars range from slow, mid paced to fast riffs that combine brutal and technical death metal with deathcore, djent, and groove metal with a variety of time changes being thrown into t he riffing and there are no guitar solos or leads present on this recording, as for the acoustic guitars when they are utilized the use finger picking to give the music a much more primitive feeling.
Vocals range from deep death metal growls, high pitched screams, pig squeels, groove metal and clean singing as well as some spoken words samples, while the lyrics cover violence, darkness, hateful and occult themes, as for t he production it has a very strong, powerful, heavy and professional sound where you can hear all of the musical instruments that are present on this recording.
In my opinion Sublevels are a very great sounding hrybrid of deathcore, djent, groove and technical death metal and if you are a fan of this musical style, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Destructive Descent" "Emissary Of Horror" "Hanged From The Medulla" and "Reacting Against Armageddon". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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