Deeds of Flesh are a band from California that h as been around for over 20 years and plays a brutal form of gore/death metal and this is a review of their 2013 album "Portals Of Canaan" which was released by Unique Leader Records.
"Amidst the Ruins" begins with heavy guitar and bass riffs along with some drums which utilize some blast beats as well as mixing in some guitar solos and leads and then the death metal growls and screams start kicking in and after awhile melodic and technical guitar riffing is added into the song and towards the end more blast beats and guitar leads are utilized.
"Entranced In Decades Of Psychedelic Sleep" begins wit h some guitar leads and powerful bass guitars as well as some drums which also throw in some brutal sounding blast beats and then t he growls and heavy guitar riffs kick in along with some screams and then the music starts switching back and forth between slow and fast parts as well as mixing in some technical elements and more guitar leads and towards the end there is a brief use of sound effects.
"Rise Of The Virvum Juggernaut" begins with some brutal guitar and bass riffs along with some drums and growls and after a few seconds technical elements and screams are added into the song as well as some faster guitar riffing and blast beats and halfway through the song there is a brief use of guitar solos and leads and towards the end there is a brie f use of spoken word parts.
"Celestial Serpents" begins with some sound effects which add in some experimental and avant garde elements and after a minute heavy guitar and bass riffs along with some drums make their presence known in the song and then the growls start kicking in along with some screams and towards the end there is a brief use of guitar solos and leads being utilized.
"Caelum Hirundies Terra/The Sky Swallows The Earth" begins with some sound effects and programmed beats and serves as an intro for the next song.
"Xeno Virus" begins with heavy and technical sounding guitar and bass riffs along with some drums and fast elements which also leads to some growls and blast beats and after awhile screams are added into the song before slowing down a bit but it does return to the faster parts at times and halfway through the song there is a brief use of guitar solos and leads that come in and out of the song.
'Hollow Human Husks" begins wit h some psychedelic sound effects which lead up to some guitar, and bass riffs as well as some drums which also leads up to some spoken word parts before the growls start kicking in along with some blast beats and after a minute technical guitar leads make their way into the song.
"Portals Of Canaan" begins with some heavy guitar and bass riffs which leads up to some drums and technical guitar leads before the growls and screams start kicking in and after awhile the song starts adding in some blast beats in certain sections and towards the end there are some spoken word parts being utilized.
'Orphans Of Sickness" begins with heavy guitar riffs and d rums which utilize some blast beats and you can also hear the bass guitars which also leads up to some growls and after a minute guitar solos and leads make their way into the song.
Song lyrics cover the future of human existence, while the production has a very strong, powerful, heavy and professional sound where you can hear all of the musical instruments that are present on this recording.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Deeds of Flesh and if you are a fan of this band, you should enjoy this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Entranced In Decades Of Psychedelic Sleep" "Celestial Serpents" "Hollow Human Husks" and "Orphans Of Sicness". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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