Untimely Demise are a band from Saskatchewen, Canada that has been featured before in this zine with a musical style that combines thrash and melodic death metal together and this is a review of their 2013 album "Systematic Eradication" which was released by Punishment 18 Records.
"Spiritual Embezzelment" begins with heavy guitar riffing and drums before adding in some melodic guitar solos that come in and out of the song and then the thrash style vocals start kicking in along with some death metal growls and screams as well as some melodic guitar riffs.
"The Last Guildsman" begins with some guitar leads, bass guitars and drums before getting heavy and having the aggressive thrash/death metal vocals kicking in along with some melodic style singing and after awhile the guitars start utilizing some melody.
"Somali Pirates" begins with some thrash style guitar riffs and drums before the growls and screams start kicking in along with some thrash style vocals and after awhile guitar leads and blast beats are added into the music and you also can hear the bass guitars.
"Redemption" begins with some heavy guitar and bass riffs along with some drums which leads up to some guitar solos and leads kicking in along with some aggressive vocals which also utilize melody later on in the song.
"Navigator's Choice" begins with some heavy guitar and bass playing along with some drums which leads up to some thrash and death metal vocals as well as some melodic guitar riffing and later on the guitars and vocals start utilizing some melody and after awhile solos and leads start kicking in.
"A Warrior's Blood" begins with some heavy guitar and bass riffing along with drums and then the vocals and melodic guitar leads start to kick in and towards the end clean sections are added into thee song.
"Revolutions" begins with some heavy guitar riffing and drums as well as some melodic elements which lead up to the thrash style vocals and towards the end there is a brief use of guitar solos and leads being utilized.
"Escape From Supermax" begins with some bass guitars and drums before adding in some heavy guitar riffs and thrash/death metal vocals and after awhile the music speeds up a bit along with some blast beats and after awhile guitar solos and leads start coming in.
Song lyrics cover science fiction and fantasy themes, while the production has a very strong, powerful, heavy and professional sound where you can hear all of the musical instruments that are present on the recording.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Untimely Demise and if you are a fan of thrash mixed with melodic death metal, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Spiritual Embezzelment" "Redemption" "A Warrior's Blood" and "Escape From Supermax". RECOMMENDED BUY.
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